Weather summary
for Quebec
issued by Environment Canada
at 11:09 a.m. EST Wednesday 13 February 2019.
The low pressure system from the American Midwest intensifyied into
a winter storm over Quebec. Snow at times heavy has begun late
Tuesday afternoon over Southwestern Quebec and reached Central
regions during the evening. This major system dumped remarkable
snowfall amounts over Southwestern Quebec.
The following is a summary of weather event information received by
Environment Canada.
1. Summary of snow amounts in centimetres
Montral Island and Laval 30-40
Montreal South Shore 30-35
Montreal North Shore 30-40
Low and Upper Laurentians 30-35
Upper Gatineau 35-40
Vaudreuil-Soulanges 30-40
Richelieu Valley 30-40
Lanaudiere and Mauricie 25-30
Drummondville and Bois-Francs 25-30
Eastern Townships and Beauce 20-30
Region of Quebec 25-30 and ongoing
Charlevoix 30-40 and ongoing
Please note that this summary may contain preliminary or unofficial
information and does not constitute a complete or final report.